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A Small Scoop of Problems

Foto del escritor: PaperPenPaperPen

Por: María Carmona García

I woke up with my back hurting from the small nap I took laying on the roots of a giant tree. I opened my eyes a little, but closed them as the sunlight became too strong for them to bare. After my eyes finally adjusted to the light, I stood up and passed my hands over my blue jeans to get rid of the grass that had attached itself to them.

I looked around me to see if my sister was still plating with her fiends in the playground. I searched carefully over all the games, but I couldn’t find her so I decided to walk around the park. I finally saw her running from a small dog that was chasing her and her friends in a small hill. I stared at them for a few seconds as I passed my tongue over my dry lips while noticing how thirsty I had become. I reached to my back pocket to grab ten dollars I had in order to buy some water in a small stall just a few meters away. However, when all my hand could grab was air I panicked thinking I had lost it. I glanced quickly to check on my sister and after confirming she was alright I undertook the way back to the tree where I had woken up.

I reached the sport where I had slept and took a quick glance to see if the dollar was visible, but to no avail. I ducked in order to get a closer view and started to crawl all around the tree. Other than finding leaves, teared grass and getting dirt all over my clothes I did not find the bill.

Hopelessly I got up and started walking to the place where I had last seen my sister.

When I got there I saw that her friends and her were gone, so I decided to walk back to the playground to see if they had returned to play over there.

I reached the playground and found a lot of small kids sliding down the slide or swinging while other kids pushed them so they could go further. Nevertheless, there was no trace of my sister and her friends. At this instance I started to panic. I ran back to the last place where I had seen them and started looking around, that is when I spotted a couple with an enormous great dane. It was the majestic dog that had chased my sister up and down the hill. I approached the lovely couple and said -Could I pet him?- as I passed my hand over his head.

The beautiful and slim girl answered - Yes of course- as they stopped for me to pet their mascot.

I moved my face to look at them - Did you see the where the small group of girls that was playing with your dog went?- The girl looked at the handsome handsome boy and he immediately looked at me and said - Oh yeah, I believe I heard one of the girls say she wanted ice cream and then they left giggling -. I quickly scratched the dog’s belly and thanked the couple for their help while I turned into the direction of the ice cream stand.

I walked quickly to catch my sister before she ordered one of the items because I did not have any money to pay for it. I ran down the road for a few minutes until I stoped at the store entrance. As I reached for the door handle in to open the door, a group of girls came out of it licking their ice cream cones and laughing. In that instance I saw that my sister was with them and she had bought a medium vanilla sundae topped with chocolate sauce, fresh fruits and a handful of cookies. I grabbed her arm and said - What are you doing? You need to pay for the ice cream it’s not free! - She looked at me as she took a big bite out of a banana half. With her mouth full she answered - But I paid for it! - she quickly gulped down the chunk - I did it with the paper you had in your jeans - she rolled her eyes at me as if I was stupid and quickly moved to join her friends sitting on a bench while they ate their treats. I then realized where all my money had gone as fury made itself into my feelings, but I tried to calm myself down as mom had given me the money in case one of us wanted something, and in this case my sister had wanted something first.

I could only glance at them with jealousy as they enjoyed delicious looking desserts while I stood under the scorching sunlight and wished I could buy something cold for me.


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