Por: Sofía García Junco
It was quite, too quite. There was no moment, no motion. And that was the most terrifying thing.
And so in this quiet place, that we shall call ‘Silentios’, the day began.
In the small one-story houses that were neatly stationed in a road of many more that were filled with the same exact type of house, the inhabitants of such said houses woke-up from their slumber. The wives took robes, that varied in colour but that were the exact same cut, they adjusted such said robes and proceeded to take their neatly placed slippers into their perfectly manicured feet. After checking themselves in the mirrors in the vanities they proceeded to their morning chores, they headed to their identical kitchens where they, ever so quietly began to prepare breakfast.
Back in the bedrooms their husbands were still soundly asleep, that is until not a second later their alarms went off at exactly the same time. They woke-up swiftly and headed towards the bathroom in which they carried on with their morning ritual; shaving, showering and lastly getting dress in a suit for work. The same make and model suit that they wore the day before, but not the same suit because that would be unacceptable.
When they finished with such they continued their routine and headed towards the kitchen in which their wives were graciously waiting to them with their breakfast placed in the table. Each men had the exact same thing for breakfast, a fried egg and 2 sausages with a side of toast. Meanwhile the wives had the same breakfast with their husband and asked the same question “How did you sleep dear?” and the husbands replied “Fine, and you darling?”, which proceeded with the answer of “Fine dear, thank you for asking. Do you want me to pass you the newspaper?” “Yes darling, that would be wonderful”. The wives stood up from the table and went from to the kitchen to the front door, they opened the door, bent down and took the newspapers; all in perfect synchrony.
They returned to the kitchen and placed the newspaper besides the plate of their husbands. The husbands mindlessly thanked their wives and took the newspaper and opened in it up. When they opened it up they saw the exact same headline ‘Everything is fine’ and such below such said head line there was a single line that read ‘There are no problems’. And so they lowered the one page, one headline and one sentence to the table.
The husband and wives ended their breakfast in silence. Not an uncomfortable silence nor an award one, but it wasn’t a comfortable one either. It was the silence that ruled their lives, the invisible but ever so present yet unnoticeable to them yet ever so clear to ourselves.
When they finished their breakfast both at the same time and in synchrony with the others. They moved as one. The wives and husbands walked to the front door, the husbands opened the door at the same time, they stepped.