Por: Fernando Díaz Rivero Jiménez
The best way to survive in war is to not take anything personal. You see your comrades die? Well, fuck them! You’re still alive! If you start feeling down because the person or thing that gave meaning to your life has died, then you are as useful as a corpse.
You must keep going and you mustn’t let anything drag you down. To survive in war, you must detach from anything that makes you you. You must detach from your memories, your feelings, and your loved ones. You must become into one more soldier, one more machine, one more statistic...
See what happened to those who fired a gun in their mouths? They did that because they saw too much, felt too much, cared too much. Listen now before it’s too late: stop caring, stop feeling, stop remembering, and move the fuck on! Don’t show compassion, kindness, forgiveness, or any kind of humanity. You must be aware of your insignificance; you are nothing more than a pawn in someone else's chess game, and that rebelling will seal last the nail of your grave! Your life is meaningless and short. You’ll be swallowed by history and forgotten for ever.
We know that it shouldn’t be like this. We know that everyone’s supposed to be kind and that we should act on the principles of peace, respect and integrity. But right here and now, amidst death, pain and illness, everything that’s pure, everything that’s sacred, and everything that has shone, is dead and gone and you are alone. This is hell. This is reality. This is war, and there’s no changing that. Now, soldier, take a gun and kill some human beings to satisfy the interests of those who rule the world! Good luck!